Friday, February 27, 2009

Down Payment Grant Funds (Portland)

1st Time Home Buyers we have a Federal Home Loan Bank Board grant available for down payment and closing costs.

The program does have income restrictions according to family size. Call or email me to see if you qualify.

You can learn more about us or apply on-line at:

Investment property broker Brian Jeremiah Markram Properties (All Oregon)

I find the best investment properties on the market all over Oregon and I send them to my clients. I have a largelist of the top properties on the market right now. I searched through thousands of properties all over Oregon and pulled out the ones that have a chance of cash flowing. My lists used to be 25 maybe 35 properties, but with the lull in the market it has risen to over 100. If you want cash flow, this is where to find it. I can put you on my mailing list and/or send you the current list. Just mail me with the email address you want listed and a contact number ( I don't work with people with whom I cannot speak) and I will add you.

Brian Jeremiah

Markram properties


Behind on Mortgage Payment? Get Legal Help? Keep Your Home-Free Propo

We are helping thousands of homeowners stay in there homes. We are Attorney based Company specializing in Loan Modifcation, the Attorney's work on your behalf, with the Lender. They can help reduce your monthly payment, get a lower fixed rate, sometimes even drop your past due amounts. Get a free no cost analyis to find out if you quailify. Call Tim at 503.710.8835. Time is of the essence in keeping your home. I look forward to you call today.


Tim Davis